Manifeste-2022, l’académie

Photo: Jenna Flohr
In concert @ Le CENTQUATRE-PARIS, Salle 200, July 2nd 2022.
Workshop concert at IRCAM’s Manifeste Academy with the improvisation workshop “Collaboratory Paris” with Bernhard Lang as the Main teacher.
Improvisations with me and other students and teachers from the Workshop.
I play electric guitar excited with various objects including e-bow, plant support sticks and more run through some pedals sung as volume pedal, Whammy and a granular effect.
Improvisation with Synthesizer, Voice, Electronics and Guitar
I was collaborating in two improvisations the first with Samuel Long – Modular Synthesizer, Esther Wu – Voice & Electronics and Johan Blixt – Electric Guitar.
Improvisation with 2 electric Guitars
And the second improvisations is for two electric guitars and effects, creating ambient textures together with Volodia Lambert – Electric Guitar and Johan Blixt – Electric Guitar.